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In memory of Tim Geisler, who first turned me on to "Crop
I'd like to thank the following
"crop circle" photographers whose images I utilized:
Steve Alexander, Lucy Pringle, Peter Sorenson, Busty Taylor, and
Seiichi Nakazato.
The stalwart scientists and researchers who investigate the
"crop circles":
Dr. W.C. Levengood, Nancy Talbott, Linda Moulton Howe, Micheal
Gerald Hawkins, Collin Andrews, Zef Damen, Andy Thomas, Andreas
"Crop circle" webmasters: Mark Fussel, Stuart Dike, Freddie
Silva and Paul Vigay.
Radio "crop circle" talk show hosts: Art Bell, Jeff Rense
and Whitley Strieber.
Anyone else involved with "crop circles" that I neglected
to mention.
And, the "Crop Circle Makers"...Who or Whatever the Hell you
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